Isabella Lauschner

describes herself as a "colorful bird" and has learned her profession right from scratch.
colorbirds founder and chief executive officer Isabella Lauschner feels at home all over the world, and so too in Miami or Madrid, where she lived and worked for long periods of time. The charismatic entrepreneur loves the inspiring and flamboyant diversity of cultures and this cosmopolitan diversity is reflected throughout her company.

Isabella Lauschner, who describes herself as a "colorful bird", learned her profession right from scratch. Fascinated by the event industry from an early age, the Certified Manager of Communication & Marketing gained valuable practical experience at various events during her studies. Regular work as a trade-fair hostess, promoter and model intensified her passion for the event industry. A key experience was the enormous diversity of the industry, together with the realization that no two events are identical. As an open and very sociable person, she gradually expanded her communications network in the Greater Munich area - friendships and close contacts dating from this time continue to this day. After completing her studies, she enthusiastically started working as a project manager in an event agency. And this very productive period spent gathering much valuable experience led to her decision that the time had come to fully spread her own wings and set up her agency of colorbirds.

Her colorbirds represent excellently trained, attractive and experienced ladies and gentlemen from all continents. From Andalusia to Africa - from Belgium to Brazil, from Italy to India and of course from Germany. She is anything but convinced of an anonymous, purely functional working relationship. Personal contact plays a vitally important role at colorbirds. And this appreciative, integrative approach to communication is reflected right down to the smallest detail in her daily business. There is an intensive personal bond linking all her agency staff with every single colorbird. And it is precisely this special team spirit that makes the crucial difference and is sensed and appreciated in particular by the customers of colorbirds.

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