If you have any problems filling out the form, try to enter your data on a computer or notebook (not on your mobile phone). Important Note: This only works with the following browsers: Google Chrome/Firefox. If you still have a problem, please fill out the form below:
1. What error has occurred?
Please briefly describe your problem: (e.g. app crashes, when …. / error message appears when…)
2. What smartphone model do you use?
(e.g. iPhone 6s or Nokia X30)
3. What operating system is installed on your smartphone incl. version number?
Check Android version
Open the Settings key on your smartphone -> tap “About your telephone – Android version” (Android version, Android security update and build number) -> directions are given here.
Check iOS version
Open the Settings key -> select “General” -> tap About -> scroll down to Version -> the currently installed iOS version will appear.
4. What version of the Staffcloud app have you installed?
Go to Settings and select the Staffcloud app. The current version is displayed here. In the Google Playstore you can check whether the latest version has been installed. (If not, the button “Update now” will appear here.)
Open the “App Store” and search for the “Staffcloud app”. Select the app. In the section covering new functions you can see the version number and also check whether the version is up-to-date. (If not, the button “Update” will appear here.)
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